Many people ask themselves this question when they`re tempted because they assume that when you are born again Christian, you`re totally separated from trials and problems. Where do these concepts come from?
Do God promise us to have life with no trials?
Teachings like that are now popular, saying that to be righteous is to be free
from trials and completely free from temptations and that the devil is totally defeated.
In one side, it’s true! But on the other side, I want to
tell you that being saved (or being righteous) is a starting point of spiritual battle in different ways between you and enemy (which is Satan). That is warfare between good and evil, between light and darkness (John 1:5), between truth and lie.
When you are unbeliever, you can`t be tempted by Devil because you`re already His, you`re His servant, and a soldier in his army.
What Devil can do for you is to give you remuneration (salary and wages). But you
have to know that the wages of Satan is death, nothing good from Devil
(John 10:10).
Let`s look about what bible says:
James 1:12(KJV) says: “BLESSED is a man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that live Him”. In other words, no one is admitted to receive crown without going
through trials. Even Abraham, father of all believers was tried,
until he was required to give up his son Isaac as sacrifice to God. The bible says: “By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called” (Hebrews
11:17-18 KJV).
Brothers and Sisters, trial is one of tools, that God uses to check if
our faith is well established. Heroism is a crown one can get from number of defeated battles. Being righteous doesn`t just come from being called so, No, but through several trials.
If purity of gold must be tested through fire, the same way, righteousness needs trials.
Who can be called a brave man before battle? Such bravery is well known in Hollywood where they use to make films, with exaggerative stories.
For those who believe in God, trials can be considered as instructive system. As an instructor can test his students, to know their level, the same way our faith is a subject to trials.
Our patience must be tried, and approved (Jacob 1:3-5).
If you`re in trials, you`re in a great moment to prove to God that you`re well established in your faith. It`s not a good time, to regret and ask yourself: why me? Why I can`t get food, why am I fired from job; why I can`t pay my rent; why I don`t have money for schoolfees; why…why….????
I want to tell you that:
(a) as a coacher make a tough surveillance and pay a great attention to his learner during exams, it is the same way that God cares for us, than any other moment, so that He can see our behavior and character in
those divine trials.
(b) That`s where God promotes his people to another spiritual level.
Remember the case of Abraham, by Faith through trials; he was promoted
to be called the “father of all believers”.
A well known example is that the a teacher promotes his student to
the next level, on a condition of proving his capacity of knowledge.
(c) When we are being in trials; in that very moment, our loving God
is ready for help. Apostle Paul said: “there hath no temptation taken
you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful , who will not
suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with
temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it”
(1 Cor.10:13 KJV).
Jacob son of Isaac, after getting his brother`s blessing, he was
advised by Rebecca to quit and exile himself to his uncle. He supposed
to go through wilderness while he was alone. Can you imagine what
happened to that very young boy? Let`s read the story in the book of
Genesis chapter 28 from verse 11 to 12: “ And he lighted upon a
certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set;
and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows,
and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a
ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and
behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”
In history of Jacob, he didn`t see such dreams until he reached in
that horrible situations of wilderness, doing long journey alone in
dark night. It was very difficult to him because he was raised before
his parents. He wasn`t used to such life, his family looked after him
in everything he needed. But when he reached in those difficult
situations, he had no any other option, but take a stone and put it for
his pillow, and lay down to sleep.
Normally, difficulties can`t let the bearer take a rest unless
someone who has a stone as pillow. You can ask yourself what kind of
stone was that? Such stone was well detailed by David in Psalms 118:22
where noted that “The stone which the builders refused is become the
head stone of the corner.” Later, Jesus himself described the same
stone in Matthew 21:42 KJV.
In times of hostility, in difficult seasons, when you can`t see
clearly your way, you can`t go forward nor backward, because the sun
was set.
There are times You find yourself in darkness. You`re alone; where no one can rescue you. In Kinyarwanda we have a proverb which says “aho umwana
arira nyina ntiyumve”. You can`t advance or go back because your light is off. You have just to remind yourself, only one thing; please remember your Jesus, which is your ultimate stone, and make him your pillow, establish your faith in him, believe in Him, put all your hope in Him. You will see a ladder set up connecting you to the heavenly
father. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, hereafter ye shall see heaven
open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of
man. (John 1:51)”.
Are you alone in wilderness? Are you struggling with difficulties.
Don`t worry! Please take heart. God is going to show up, in your life.
Your sun has set in your life, you don`t know where to go, you don`t
have any other option. Come closer to your Jesus, in prayers. He loves you, he`s compassionate to you. God bless
By Murenzi Eric Tamba
The Express News