The statement made on November 6, 2019 by UMURINZI INITIATIVE President INGABIRE Marie Immaculee requests the leadership of LCI Television of France to explain in a long term the reason to the negative talkshow, and to show what they think about their journalist Vincent Hervouet; and judge him, punish him of giving support in denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi.
UMURINZI INITIATIVE fully supports and requests to take this case in courts that are responsible, accusing Charles ONANA who denies the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi.
On October 26th, 2019, LCI France Television owned by TF1 Association with the support of its journalist Vincent Hervouet has hosted Charles ONANA to spread the message denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994.
Charles ONANA is known as a writer who uses to spread hate messages and at the same time denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994.
What is new and worse for this case is that a famous and noble France Televison LCI accepted to give him a space and help him to deny the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi while they know its consequences.
Charles ONANA who denies Genocide flexibly said a lot:
It is surprising to hear from Charles ONANA calling himself an expert from Great Lakes Region while he is a big denier of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi who uses much efforts to highlight his ideas in France.
To give more highlights on his ideas that deny the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi, Charles ONANA says that he conducted a high level assessment using the papers published by France Government when writing the book entitled ‘Rwanda, laverite sur l’operation Turquoise’
One can see that this is a sophisticated document he tied up using the words he used to say since a couple of years ago, with other deniers including Judi River, Pierre Pean who recently passed away, Robin Philipot, Peter Verlinden, and Luc Marchall just to name few.
Charles ONANA highlights that the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994 was not prepared and that its immediate cause was the crash of Habyarimana, putting this case on FPR, and putting aside the France experts’ meeting and the real meaning of the genocide that was prepared and decimated Tutsi.
It is a long time ago when CHARLES ONANA makes written notes that are full of hate and denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi, with the aim to make innocent its organizers and perpetrators; and instead accuse FPR that uses efforts to stop it. He also says that there was another genocide perpetrated against the Hutu and creates a confusion between perpetrators and survivors.
Apart from his libraries ‘Duboiris, Charles ONANA spreads his denying ideas through public debates and discussions in various areas where he is invited by the deniers like him; on Radios and Televisions like RFI, France 24 and other channels.
The genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi was done in public and is internationally known
Charles ONANA explains to LCI the written note that is full of lies and negatively talking about the history of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi, aiming to make innocent its planners and perpetrators. Vincent Hervouet, the journalist who gave him a microphone is like his supporter in inventing the lie that there is a genocide perpetrated against the Hutu, making it at the same level with the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi, which was confirmed by the United Nations Organisations.
We can remind you that JEAN KAMBANDA who was the former Prime Minister in a so-called ‘LETA Y’ABATABAZI’ committed genocide crime and during his judgement held on May 1998 at Arusha Tribunal court, accepted the crimes and explained that Rwandan citizens with race Tutsi were hunted and harassed. He added that some Tutsi including women, children and youths tried to seek refuge in various areas like former Prefectures, districts’ offices, schools, churches and constructed football grounds.
It is not a surprise for anyone to hear that Charles ONANA concluding his remarks by remembering Pierre Pean who was his model in denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994. However, either the late Pean or Charles ONANA who ignores the truth, it will not make people to trust their lies as truth.
Denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi is another genocide
The messages denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi are spread by ONANA with the support of LCI Televison. This is like continuing perpetrating the genocide against Tutsi. This is to continue the work of genocide perpetrators they left unfinished. Vincent Hervouet and LCI Televison by giving a wide space to these deniers of the genocide against The Tutsi, they publicly denied the history that was confirmed by the whole globe and this must be handled by the justice sector.
UMURINZI INITIATIVE requests the leadership of LCI Television to explain in a long term the reason to that negative talkshow, and to show what they think about their journalist Vincent Hervouet; and judge him, punish him of giving support in denying the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi.
UMURINZI INITIATIVE fully supports and requests to take this case in courts that are responsible, accusing Charles ONANA who denies the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi, and this crime was done by three people in France including Pascal Simbikangwa, Tito Barahira and Ngenzi Octavien.
“If President Emmanuel Macron has set up the DATE of April 7 of every year as the France day to remember the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in 1994, it is negative for France Television to refute that decision in giving a space to genocide deniers.” The statement says.
“We thank very much the Government of France that applies the sentence to the crime of genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi at the same level as they do for Holocaust perpetrators. The France Justice must respect the law that punishes Charles ONANA and Vincent Hervouet for the crime to deny the genocide perpetrated against The Tutsi.” Ingabire says.
Since 1995 now, 25 cases of genocide perpetrators were taken to France courts.
The Express News