The story unfolds against the backdrop of the serene Rwandan countryside, where St. Joseph TSS INZUKI stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and philanthropy. The school, once a humble institution serving a handful of students, now thrives as a beacon of hope and opportunity for the youth of Ruhango District, thanks to the enduring support of the Elvin RAHE Germany family.
On a crisp Sunday morning, the tranquil atmosphere of the school is punctuated by the arrival of a visiting delegation from Germany. Among them are Rwandan women from the Diaspora, eager to witness firsthand the impact of the partnership between St. Joseph TSS INZUKI and the Elvin RAHE Germany family.
Father Gerald Hakizimana, the revered headteacher of the school, stands at the forefront to extend a warm welcome to the guests. His gratitude towards the German benefactors is palpable as he speaks of the long-standing relationship that has propelled the school towards greatness.
“Our bond with the Elvin RAHE Germany family has been instrumental in shaping the destiny of our students and the community at large,” Father Hakizimana says, his voice tinged with emotion. “Their unwavering commitment to education and development has transformed our humble school into a center of excellence.”
The roots of this partnership stretch back to 1991, when the Elvin RAHE and her wife RAHE LISELOTTE set foot in Rwanda with a vision to empower the local community. Over the years, their contributions have been nothing short of transformative, from building essential infrastructure to providing modern amenities and vocational training to the students.
“Thanks to their generosity, our student body has swelled from a mere 65 to a flourishing cohort of 720 learners,” Father Hakizimana continues, pride evident in his words. “But it’s not just about numbers. It’s about providing our youth with the tools they need to carve out a better future for themselves and their families.”
As the delegation tours the school grounds, they witness firsthand the tangible impact of the Elvin RAHE Germany family’s philanthropy. State-of-the-art classrooms stand in stark contrast to the makeshift structures of the past, while dormitories provide a safe and conducive environment for learning.
But the partnership goes beyond bricks and mortar. The spirit of compassion embodied by the German benefactors is evident in initiatives aimed at uplifting the entire community. From donating textiles to empowering women to gifting goats to families in need, the Elvin RAHE Germany family’s commitment to holistic development is unwavering.
As the day draws to a close, the visiting delegation leaves St. Joseph TSS INZUKI with a newfound sense of awe and inspiration. They carry with them the stories of resilience, hope, and transformation that epitomize the remarkable partnership between a family from Germany and a community in Rwanda—a partnership built on a foundation of mutual respect, compassion, and a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow.
This year, Rahe Liselotte, wife of Rahe Elvin, helped the community with children living around the TSS Inzuki school by providing shoes for the children, goats for the parents, and clothes.