Kigali, 11th August 2017 – Delegation of Sri Lanka’s defense services command and staff college are in Rwanda for 12 days from 09th -23rd August 2017 on a Geo strategic international study in Rwanda.
On Thursday 10th August 2017, the delegation led by Colonel Ekanafaka (www, RCSP, RSP, PSC) paid a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation where they were told an overview of Rwandan History, and they were briefed about Rwandan Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Ministry vision and mission.
AG. Director of Europe and America Unit Benjamin Sebahizi has briefly told the delegation about before and post Rwandan history.
Speaking to the delegation, Director of Europe and America Unit, Benjamin Sebahizi has deeply explained them the role of the Ministry in promoting Cooperation of Rwanda and other foreign Countries as it is very clear in its vision and missions.
“Our mission is to build a peaceful, prosperous and self-defined Rwanda that is politically and economically integrated into the region, the continent, and the world,” Benjamin Sebahizi said
He added: “Rwanda’s Foreign policy is a part of a holistic transformational strategy of the new Rwanda, which one of the major pillars of the socioeconomic and transformation of the country.”
The visiting delegation had the opportunity to interact with officials in order to satisfy their curiosity mostly based on knowing the secret behind, about how Rwanda rebuild quickly after the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis.
On their arrival, Sri Lanka Lanka’s defense services command and staff college visited the Kigali Genocide Memorial, where they laid a wreath and paid tribute to the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi.
Their study tour goes on where they have to visit different Ministries of Rwanda and some different economic activities of Rwanda located in each corner of the country.
The Express News Rwanda