Rwandans who got Ebola vaccine can confess that they have had no negative effects, hence they encourage fellow people who are afraid of being vaccinated.
That is the testimony given by the people of Rubavu District who were interviewed by Kigali Today. The interview took place at places where Ebola vaccination is conducted, nearby the border between Rwanda na DR Congo commonly known by nickname of ‘Petite Barriere’
Since last year when in Goma was found an Ebola diagnosed patient, Rwandan government took measures to protect its people from that epidemic disease, including diagnosing everyone who enters from abroad, upholding hygiene, and now everyone willing to get Ebola vaccine is eligibly served in Rubavu and Rusizi Districts.
Aime Jackson Iranzi, who was vaccinated in about a month ago, says that he has has no trouble after vaccination
“Before i get the vaccine i had been used to hearing people saying that when you get vaccinated you spend days being unable to do your work, having fever, actually being ill. but me i have seen the difference from that, because after only one day from the time I was vaccinated, I eventually went back to work as regularly without any trouble » He said
He added : “I opted for vaccination because my current job requires me to repeatedly cross the border going to DR Congo, so I need to checkup my body to protect it from Ebola virus. I can now encourage other individuals to get vaccinated as there are no negative effects in it, rather it is a positive step because the vaccine will protect us and we go on our normal lives. »
Jean Nteziyaremye, who was interviewed after being vaccinated said that he wonders why some people are afraind of the vaccine even when the healthcare providers are assuming responsibility.
“As I have been vaccinated, it just as if no Ebola virus will come to me. I can tell those who say they are afraid of the vaccine that there is no bad effect in it. When it happens that there is any bad effect resulting from the vaccination, the doctors are there to immediately ckeck and see what’s wrong »
The Ebola vaccine is provided in two separate rounds, that is in the interval of two months. Any person who needs it has to be registered in full identification electonically, having his/her photo and sight recorded. That registration guides doctors while getting to know whether the person is coming for the first and last time. »
The healthcare provider heading the vaccination service at the center of Petite Barriere, Ms Ikirezi Immaculée, says that the vaccine may sometimes have mere negative effects but they immediately get dealt with.
“The person who is vaccinated against Ebola is given a card containing the date of return and a phone number for any help when any trouble happens. Some few people call us when they feel fever, headache, or any body disorder, but what we use to tell themi that i twill not last for long » She confirmed
Ms Ikirezi added : “There are medicines that we have to treat headache, we use to give them to some people who seem to have headache after being vaccinated, as we spend 15 minutes with everyone after getting vaccine. When the problem persists the person with headache gets proper treatment. We encourage everyone to come for the vaccine beacause there is no negative effect in it”
Having been vaccinated against Ebola doesn’t mean no more prevention is needed.
Some Ebola Specialists say that the vaccine protects at the prevalence of 90%, meaning that the vaccinated people should keep prevention methods, according to Bosco Gasherebuka, a medical staff member for World Health Organization (WHO).
“Vaccinating against Ebola doesn’t mean you stop prevention because it can still attack the vaccinated individual. But what is very encouraging for the vaccinated people is that they are treated easily comparing with the ones who did not get vaccinated. Citizens are advised to keep preventing from Ebola virus, by washing hands habitually, recognizing the symptoms of Ebola, and avoiding contact with people who are diagnosed with the disease” He said
Rwanda was granted with 200.000 Ebola vaccines, by now in two Districts namely Rubavu and Rusizi about eight thousand people have been vaccinated.
Counting by January 13th 2020, in DR Congo 3406 people were diagnosed with Ebola epidemy, 2236 of them were killed by the that epidemic disease.
The Express News