Rwandans living in Switzerland joined the friends of Rwanda at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Rwanda’s Liberation Struggle led by the Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) forces that put an end to the dictatorship and discriminatory regime and ended the 1994 Genocide Against theTutsi.
The event which focused on the bravery of RPA soldiers, took place on July 4th 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland at the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property organisation (WIPO).
It was attended by representatives of their countries in Switzerland and the United Nations in Geneve; leaders international organizations; people from embassies and international organizations as well as Rwandans and friends of Rwanda.
Rwanda’s ambassador to Switzerland, François Xavier Ngarambe explained to the participants what liberation means for Rwanda and reverted to the courage and the unprecedented commitment of the RPA forces that stopped the bloodshed and ended the Rwandan dictatorial regime.
Amb. Ngarambe came back to President Paul Kagame’s call to remind that liberation is journey that Rwandans have undertaken from the ending the dictatorial regime, followed by restoring peace and security to everyone; building institutions that are transparent, fair, not corrupted, promoting justice and equality for all.
Amb. He also said that ‘in short to build a country that is law-abiding; to eliminate genocide ideology, discrimination and injustice; and poverty eradication, are all the foundations for the vision of taking Rwanda out of poverty towards sustainable development, which is reflected in the well-being of everyone. ‘
He said that Rwanda was liberated in both words and practice, where Rwandans led by President Kagame who also led the country’s liberation struggle are making fast strides towards that vision.
The celebration was ended by a social gathering entertained by a dancing band of Rwandan youth in Switzerland, and once again demonstrated the Rwandan culture in the Rwanda’s traditional dance praising the courage of the RPF army.
He said that Rwanda delivered the speech and culture, where Rwandans were led by President Kagame and another leader of the country’s liberation struggle.
Meanwhile, in order to continue celebrating this liberation ceremony, Rwandans in this country have joined their friends in the festive event on 6 July 2019.
The Express News