Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) is requesting beauty salon operators and clients, to follow the terms and conditions regarding service standards regardless of where the beauty treatment service is delivered.
Beauty treatment or cosmetology and wellness services covered by this standard relate to hairdressing, barbering, skin care, cosmetics, tattoing , manicure and pedicure treatment. Electrology, Intense Pulse Light (IPL), as well as other medical treatment procedures including aesthetic surgical procedures and cosmetic injectable procedures including sclerotherapy are excluded from the scope of this standard.
In collaboration of Ministry of health, in the recent days, RSB explained deeply to the salon operators the requirements for provision of safe and professional beauty treatment services by beauty salons.
Some of these requirements are about establishment offering cosmetology and wellness treatments and sales of retail beauty products related to the treatments.
Operational requirements The beauty salon shall: a) have an occupational permit granted by a competent authority; b) comply with relevant regulatory requirements for establishing premises for beauty treatment; c) provide adequate sanitary facilities including separate toilets for male and female; d) provide waste disposal bins covered and properly labelled, and waste water disposal facilities; e) comply with relevant local labour laws; f) have relevant insurance, inclusive of property insurance, casualty insurance and liability insurance; g) possess first aid kit, with at least the provisions including surgical spirit; a bandage; plasters, cotton wool, gauze and forceps; h) keep beauty salon premises clean and maintained in good hygienic conditions; i) ensure that beauty therapists are medically examined after every 4 months and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and records kept; j) have standard operating procedures showing how the beauty salon services are delivered; k) have fire safety system and trained personnel to operate it; and l) ensure adequate supply of potable water is available (RS 12).
Mrs Athanasie MUKESHIYAREMYE of RSB revealed that after mobilization of the above said terms and conditions, penalties will be set up to those who willingly ignore the operational requirements.
Mukayiranga Fanny of BELASI salon says the training were helpful and they are ready to follow all operational requirements.
In other hand salon owners complained that they are some operational requirements that are very expensive and are requested to be presented for a short period of time. RSB pledges its assistance to make things easy.
The Express News