A contingent of 22 Officers and Other ranks from Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) led by Col James Ruzibiza is set to leave Kigali on 30 January 2018 for Kampala, Uganda to participate in the East African Community (EAC) Armed Forces Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Week scheduled from 31 January to 07 February 2018.
The aim of the EAC Armed Forces CIMIC Week is to foster cooperation between the EAC Defence Forces and civilians and its activities will culminate into the celebrations of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces’ (UPDF) Army Day known as TAREHE SITA as was decided in the EAC Sectoral Council on Cooperation in Defence held on 24 November 2017 in Kampala.
The Contingents from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda (the Host) will be engaged during the whole week in medical outreach services and light engineering works in Bukedi Sub Region, Eastern Uganda.
This is the first EAC Armed Forces CIMIC Week and it will be conducted in accordance with the EAC Defence Sector Calendar of Activities.
The Express News