A consultative meeting between Rwanda National Police, BNR and MinYouth on state of Cyber and Financial crimes, was held at the National Police Headquarters in Kacyiru where the status and strategies towards the prevention of Cyber and Financial Crimes were addressed.
The consultative meeting,was conducted under the theme ‘Cyber Crime as an Emerging Threat: Status and Strategies’. During Rapid advance in ICT development, gaps in regulating, global connectivity, corruption, weak states and low expertise in ICT security werepointed to be driving essence of threateningCybercrimeswhich is a new emerging crime, though relevant preventive measures were put in place.
“Cybercrimes remain a global threat. In Rwanda several cyber control measures have been put in place and institutions have created synergies in countering cybercrimes” said AIGP Gasana on behalf of National Police. Moreover Cooperation and regular information sharing was emphasized as effective means to counter cyber challenges according to ACP Karake.
“We need to enhance cooperation and timely information sharing. All concerned institutions should adopt security protection policy, establish IT security standards and continuously boost our research and development”.
Although, Cyber security is regarded as new form of crimes, there is no denying they are a big threat to the security and economy of Rwanda. They are such a sort of crimes which can be committed in cyber setting and those are the likes of intellectual property theft, terrorism, mobile banking services, since Cybercrimes have got no border according to the Governor of National Bank of Rwanda , John Rwangombwa.
He further suggested a constant review of activities carried out in banks, since criminals are developing day to day new techniques. Figures shows that about 74 cybercrimes which were attempted in 2016 were targeting Rwf 1 billion 325 and respectively other 80 cybercrimes in 2017 targeting Rwf 2 billion 600 million, though the National Police intervened to counter those crimes.
The Express News