The Rwanda National Police (RNP) is holding seven individuals linked to armed groups operating in a neighbouring country.
Three of the suspects are young recruits who were intercepted en route to military training outside Rwanda. The recruitment has been going on for some time, with the Police investigating the network.
The suspects revealed details which triggered a search that led to the arrest of four suspected recruiters in the Western Province and Kigali City.
Material evidence, details of which the police said will be revealed by prosecution in court, was also recovered from the search.
The suspects being held are: Boniface Twagirimana, Fabien Twagirayezu, Gratien Nsabiyaremye, Leonille Gasengayire,
Ufitamahoro Norbert, Twagirayezu Janvier and Nshimiye Papias.
The seven suspects have been informed of their rights to legal representation under the law.
The Express News