Fifty-two officers of the newly established Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) have successfully completed a four-month criminal investigation course that equipped them with basic skills to undertake tasks ahead of them.
The four-month course, that ended on Thursday, took place at the National Police College in Musanze.
Participants underwent investigation techniques, including crime scene handling, interview and interrogation skills, statement recording, and collection of evidence.
According to officials, other courses included case filing compilation, human rights in criminal investigation, and professional ethics.
Speaking at the closing ceremony, Col Jeannot Ruhunga, the Secretary General of RIB, hailed the college for its role in producing the needed officers.
He urged those who completed training to uphold ethics and put the acquired skills into good use by investigating cases professionally and supporting the justice Sector.
Col. Ruhunga added that there was need to change the way investigations are carried out given the emerging ways crimes are committed.
“You were given performance certificates but you need to bear in mind that you will be highly regarded by people you will serve, more critically, the ranking you will get will come from the prosecutor who will defend dossiers you will have investigated,” he noted, adding that they will have to keep updating themselves to stay ahead of criminals.
The college commandant, Commissioner of Police Felix Namuhoranye, said the trainees acquired enough practical skills for them to perform better and expressed optimism that the course had made them career investigators.
Claude Mbonyinshuti, one of participants, said he had acquired practical skills in criminal investigation that would help him investigate cases professionally to help render justice.
“I have acquired new practical skills and l am hopeful that they will help me perform better and help promote justice that respect human rights,” he said.
RIB is an independent institution that took over some of the technical and professional functions previously exercised by the Rwanda National Police, including judicial police functions; criminal and counter-terrorism investigation, crime intelligence, and economic and financial crimes investigation.
It will operate as a specialised public organ under the oversight of the Ministry of Justice, just like the Rwanda National Police, Rwanda Correctional Services and the National Public Prosecution Authority. src :TNT
The Express News