Motorists have been urged to drive carefully to prevent accidents especially those caused by rains that make roads slippery.
The spokesperson for the department of Traffic and Road Safety, said that although accidents caused by rains are minimal, it is imperative to prevent even a single accidents to save a life.
“The rainy season is getting underway and it causes the road to be slippery while in times of heavy downpour and rainstorms, it decreases visibility, and this can lead to accidents if you are driving recklessly,” CIP Kabanda said.
“During torrential rains, it can be difficult for drivers to see other cars or road users. That is why it is always important to make sure that your car has functional windshield wipers, tyres are in proper condition and mind your speed,” he added.
He also advised that lights be switched on when it’s raining to prevent head-on collision
The Express News