Despite the fact that Rwanda offers free primary education, some parents can’t afford to pay for nursery education. As a result their children remain home until six years of age.
Having this in mind, Milcah Grace Aziz opened a charity school called Little Flowers in 2014 in Muhima that aided the struggling mothers with pre-primary education for their children for almost nothing.
Not only does she help the vulnerable women by paying the school fees of their children, but she also organizes other humanitarian and charity activities.
“We want to help the under privileged women because women are created in the beautiful image of God. Therefore she deserves value . That’s why every Woman’s Day I have to make sure that vulnerable women gather in celebration. This is a time for them to relax and enjoy – a time away from the harsh life experiences they face on a daily basis,” she says.
This year we were able to donate food, soap, salt, toothpaste, toothbrushes and a pair of clothes
“Not only on the women’s have day but I usually donated different basic materials to help them sustain their living,” she says.
Changing the mindsets
She says that the support is not only limited to physical support but ranging to spiritual means. Since most of these women were once prostitutes, the work that demeaned and created inferiority among them psychologically.
“We meet every Saturday to share the message of hopes. The good gospel of Christ is being preached to teach them the word of God, so that it will change their lives. We work with the local administration to help us trace them depending on their levels of poverty mainly those from Muhima and Kacyiru sector.
“This helps to raise the beacon of hope among them and change their mindset ,” she adds.
Aziz is the mother of an 11 year old girl and 8 year old son. She has an impressive education background with a list of masters. As a result of her education, she is able to teach sex education as well as the importance of birth control to the women she works with.
Aziz was inspired as soon as she landed in Rwanda in 2014.
She recalls that at the start, the charity was focused on helping needy children as the charity school had started with just twenty children grew unexpectedly. Little Flowers has supported 400 children till date. But as the years passed by she decided to also help their mother since they material support. “Parents came to me different situations asking for help and there is no way I could refuse,” she says.
“Our dream was to give hope and be a light in a country struck by genocide. Since I am believer, helping people is very important to me,” she says.
Social impact
“We have seen the results of her hardwork. Many women have started a new life away from prostitution. They have learnt new skills and are able to hold jobs. Manicures, pedicures and making soaps are a few of the skills Aziz had taught them,” she says.
She says she cooperate with the local administration to trace the most unprivileged to support.
Olivia Mariampillai, a volunteer from Quebec, Canada working with Aziz says milcah has taken the initiative to give the most important things in life to those who had no chance of receiving it. Kindness and humanity is what many people are lacking. It is inspiring to see her push through the countless obstacles.”
Beneficiaries speak out
“Before receiving help from Teacher Milcah, me and my child would sleep on the street. Teacher Milcah has provided me with a job and given my son free admission into Little Flowers School. Sometimes she gives clothes and shoes to wear,” says Christine Muteesi
“The school is a bilingual school and our kids are now speaking different languages which would not have been possible if they would never be helped. Children at little flowers get food every lunch and take breakfast which freshens their minds and help them understand what they are studying and taught the discipline of the children have also change due religious lessons that they learn from the scratch,” says Chantal Nimugire .
The Express news