Former Boss of Ministry of Trade, Industry and EAC Affairs François Kanimba , has advised his successor Vincent Munyeshyaka to do his utmost ,to promote Made in Rwanda, government Policy.
It is within this frame work Mr. Kanimba has revealed that any time United States of America can impose punitive sanctions to Rwanda due to banning of used clothes.
Mr Kanimba has advised Munyeshaka to act cunningly and carefully with aim of bringing profits to the citizens of Rwanda.
He says:” Last decision is not yet taken, we ever discussed with them in order to let them know why we took that decision but still it is considered as a serious matter.”
Handover ceremony between outgoing Minister François Kanimba and incoming Minister Vincent Munyeshyaka was conducted this Monday at MINICOM headquarters.
François KANIMBA (Born 1958) was appointed Minister of Trade and Industry of Rwanda on 10th May 2011 after a long career as a banker where he has been serving as the Governor of the Central Bank of Rwanda since 6th May 2002.
His successor, Hon Vincent Munyeshyaka, was Minister of State in charge of Socio-Economic Development in the Ministry of Local Government since 2012.