Members of Rwanda Youth Volunteers in Community Policing (RYVCP) in Bugesera District, on Wednesday, reached out to students of Maranyundo Girls School and urged them to stay focused and actively be part of the development and community policing activities in their communities.
While addressing about 300 students, the vice coordinator of the youth organization in Bugesera, Antoine Mutware, who headed a team of the youth volunteers, enlightened the students on the goals and objectives of the youth group in pursuing the country’s security and development agenda.
“The Rwandan values like Nd’umunyarwanda reminds us as the youth to be at the centre of our country’s transformation process, and that what youth volunteers in community policing strives for to ensure that every youth becomes part of it,” Mutware told the students.
“It is part of our organization’s core duties to reach out to the youth particularly students, to sensitize and mobilize them to actively partner in all government development programmes.”
He told them that the first step to contributing to the nation’s progress is to stay out of trouble, stay safe and stand up for their rights.
He further urged them to shun malpractices like abusing illicit drugs and drinking alcohol.
“As you are going for school holidays, it is important to make good use of this period, help your parents, be part of the community security and development and report to the police any unlawful acts.”
Members of youth volunteers have undertaken different human security and development activities as well as raising awareness against crime.
Last week, the youth organization which has about 200, 000 members across the country, launched the countrywide development programmes to supplement various human security activities including constructing and rehabilitating houses and toilets for poor families, environmental protection activities, among others.
During the launch, the youth planted about 40000 trees as part of the implementation of the agreement between Rwanda National Police (RNP) and the Ministry of Lands and Forestry on afforestation programme, among others.
The Express News