Bella Gaelle IKIBAGENGA, daughter of Georges NTARUGERA and Jane UMURUNGI is another Rwandan citizen living abroad reported victim of death in as few period as a week and now efforts, led by Rwandan Community Abroad-Michigan(RCA), to raise funds for her burial are being carried out.
The death of Bella Gaella is believed to have occurred in the night of January 5th, as the brother of the late, Ntare Rugera has informed. Her brother has informed the public through social media that Bella Gaella have died from unexpected death. However, wrote that RUGERA the brother of the late received information over the death from Police in Michigan and that the police probe over the cause of the death is underway.
Police in Michigan have called RUGERA to let him know the sad news of the death of her late Sister who was found, by the Police, dead in her residential apartment in Michigan. The victim is believed to have been murdered in the night of the same date 5th January.
Fundraising process to support Bella Gaelle burial is ongoing and a link to provide support through has been established according to a statement calling everybody to come for their support made by Nxumalo Ruhaya, RCA Chairperson in Michigan. Click here to support Gaelle IKIBAGENGA
The death of Bella Gaella IKIBAGENGA, who is believed to be victim of the murder, comes third reported death for Rwandans living abroad with all of them believed to have been victims of suspected murder.
All of them have occurred in as few period as week the first having cost life of Dr Dusabe Raymond a Rwandan doctor who was on holiday in South Africa, Cape Town and respectively the one of Marie Claire Bakesha who was found dead in an apartment in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Check out the link to support the Burial of Bella Gaella IKIBAGENGA
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