Abacu solidalité Rwanda will host an event dubbed “BARBEC’ ABACU” that will take place on Saturday, September 7, 2019 in Genval from 4:00 pm.
The event aims at financing this year’s Community Based Health Insurance subscriptions of Rwandans who can’t finance it by themselves.
Abacu-Solidarité-Rwanda, Based in Belgium, Abacu-Solidarité-Rwanda is an association was created in 2016 by members of the Rwandan diaspora. Its mission is to support and contribute to the development of Rwanda through projects in the domains of health, education and Rwandan culture.
The main location of the venue is Avenue Albert ler, 250 at Genval-road 1332.
Its main project is to support the Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI), known as Mutuelle de Santé, by financing the subscriptions of families in Rwanda who do not have sufficient means to cover the subscriptions themselves.
In fact, CBHI in Rwanda has already demonstrated its effectiveness in improving health indicators in both urban and rural populations. But despite the government’s efforts to fight against poverty, there are still families who have difficulties to cover regularly the contribution fees to the mutual.
It is within this framework that the Abacu-Solidarité-Rwanda undertakes various actions to mobilize funds that will be used to help these families to enroll or continue to benefit from health care without interruption.
Since its creation, Abacu-Solidarité-Rwanda organised several activities, going from traditional Rwandan dance lessons to cultural evenings, but its most remarkable activity is the yearly barbecue named Barbec’Abacu.
From the first edition in September 2016, it was a great success, gathering over 130 people enjoying a Barbecue and live music in Genval.
The event quickly became a milestone for the local community and Rwandan diaspora in Belgium. The year of its creation, the association was able to fund the mutuelle subscriptions of close to 1300 Rwandans.
Since then, its objective is to reiterate this, every year and to diverse its activities and projects. Through contacts with other Belgian associations, Abacu-Solidarité Rwanda was also able to provide 25 laptops to the Rwandan school of Kayenzi to equip their ICT class and allow internet access in their library.
Looking into the future, the association plans to further grow and embrace other project in the domain of health and education for disabled children. This years’ Abacu-Solidarité-Rwanda’s annual Barbecue Barbec’Abacu will be held on Saturday 7 September in Genval.
The express News