While officially opening the ordinary session of the General Assembly of the African Union Broadcasting (AUB), Mushikiwabo said that despite Africa making a transition from analogue to digital technology, accepting cheap technologies will undermine the continent’s efforts,
“We should therefore ensure that Africa does not become a dumping place for low grid digital technologies, especially the top-set boxes and transmitters,” she noted.
Over 46 countries across the continent and beyond attended the assembly in Rwanda’s capital Kigali on Monday.
The meeting hopes to look at the future of audio-visual media in Africa with a focus on the transition of African public television from analogue architecture to the digital distribution.
Africa still lags behind when it comes to switching off analogue technologies. Only 10 countries out of 55 have successfully completed the switch.
Rwanda remains among the few countries that have made the switch in 2014. 95 percent of Rwanda’s geographical landscape is under digital terrestrial television with the rest of the 5 percent covered by satellite.
According to Mushikiwabo, this has greatly helped improve the country’s socio-economic development and access to information. src:Rwanda Podium
The Express News