According to the Legatum Prosperity Index, Rwanda National Police has been ranked number one (95%), followed by Australia (83%), United States of America (81%) and Sweden (76%) among the most trusted police services by the people in safety and security.
To many Rwandans, this is no surprise report since it comes after the 5th edition of the Rwanda Governance score card that ranked Rwanda National Police at 91.38% as the public perception index. This shows how the public feels confident and enjoys the services offered by their police.
According to the annual ranking developed by the Legatum Institute, a division of the private investment firm Legatum report, “Safety and Security” continues to fall globally, and in five out of seven regions. This is driven primarily by falls in the security of people’s living conditions, with the largest falls in Latin America and the Caribbean due to fewer people reporting that they could afford sufficient food and shelter.
There has also been a small increase in the number of terrorist deaths this year, which continues a long term trend for this indicator.
Women in parliaments around the world
Rwanda did not only score highest in security and safety, but also in the number of women in parliament.
According to the Prosperity Index Report of 2018, Rwanda has the largest proportion of women in parliament, with women holding 49 out of 80 seats while MENA is the lowest ranked region, with just 16% of its seats held by women.
The number of women in national legislatures around the world has been increasing steadily over the last decade, increasing from 15% representation in 2007 to 20.7% in 2018.
Global prosperity continues to rise and is at its highest ever point; the median score has moved up the equivalent of 15 places since 2007. Since 2013, 113 countries have improved their Prosperity Score, and since last year 95 countries improved their score. However, this improvement is not shared equally.
The Express News