There is no more the Ministry of Lands and Forestry, the department in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in the Ministry of Education as they were both scrapped in the last week’s cabinet reshuffle.
Other ministries that were affected include Local Government where the position of State Minister for in charge of Socio-Economic Development was scrapped, the positions of State Minister in charge of Energy and Water as well as the State Minister for Agriculture.
Particularly, the Ministry of Lands alone had 30 employees; fortunately, the government announces the plan to redeploy some civil servants who were affected.
Those who were hired after doing interviews are the ones who will be included on the list of redeployment according to the Minister for Public Service and Labour, Fanfan Rwanyindo Kayirangwa.
Others who were appointed such as ministers and permanent secretaries as well as other political appointees are not legible for redeployment by the ministry.
“According to the law they have to get two thirds of their salaries for six months as we keep seeking to deploy them to other public institutions that might have the same job profile,” the minister said.
She added that; “If they do not get any job after those six months, they get removed from public service and receive termination benefits according to the law.”
According to the 2013 law establishing the general statutes for public service, termination benefits for a public servant shall be calculated on the basis of their last gross salary with only the deduction of tax and depending on their experience in public service.
The Express News