The 2018 FERWAFA Ordinary General Assembly is underway at Hotel Hôtel des Mille Collines in Kigali City.
The FERWAFA Ordinary General Assembly which has attracted 44 members out of the 52 members and chaired by FERWAFA President Sekamana Jean Damascene started its session at 09:30am.
According to article 26 of the FERWAFA Statutes, the Ordinary General Assembly is going to deliberate on the following points:
A. Verifying whether the General Assembly has been convened and composed in accordance with the Statutes of the Federation.
B. Approval of the agenda
C. Address by the president
D. Appointment of the members to control the minutes
E. Appointment of scrutineers
F. Suspension or expulsion of a member (if applicable)
G. Approval of the minutes of the preceding assembly
H. The President’s Activity Report (activities carried out since the last assembly)
I. Presentation of the consolidated and revised balance-sheet and the profit and loss statement
J. Approval of the annual financial statements
K. Approval of the budget
L. Admission of membership (if applicable)
M. Votes on proposals for amendment to the statutes and the internal regulations, if applicable
N. Discussion of proposals brought up by the members of the executive committee;
O. Appointment of an independent review body (if applicable) on the proposal of the executive committee
P. Dismissal of a person or a body (if applicable)
Q. Election of the President, the Vice President and the members of the executive committee if applicable
R. Any other item proposed by the members of the executive committee of the Federation
The meeting will also review the proposal on the amendment of different set of laws in the FERWAFA Statutes, internal regulations and competitions regulations respectively.
The Express News