Students nurses undertakes to save the life of people, It was on this surtaday 30th June 2017 in monthly umuganda activity (community work) of building 21 indigent people houses in Tumba sector, Mpare cell, where level three student nurses from university of Rwanda, HUYE campus together with school of nursing and midwifery prepared the humanitarian action of health insurance giving to 72 people in 36 families.
Speaking to The express news, Dr SEZIBERA speaks on behalf of university of Rwanda that nurses are the light of health nation; they spend long time with patient and disabled people that aid student nurses to own the needs and the problem of hopelessness people.
Dr. SEZIBERA on the right side, followed by indigent people and fulgence during health insurance delivering.
Dr SEZIBERA reminded the youth to separate from drug abuse that kills the parent and extend their effects on the children born from the alcoholic parents, while they are Rwandan future generation. And moreover, head of the department MANIRIHO Fulgence insist on different activities students from department of nursing implement in community like screening and health education on communicable and non-communicable diseases in home grow solution program.
A Student from level three General nursing, member said to the attendees of umuganda (monthly community work), even people before idea of marriage they first need to think about health insurance because they are going to reproduce new generation who need to be nurtured with medical care at each stage of life.
It was fantastic after giving health insurance to the selected family, one of indigent people in his words with great pleasure and emotions, said ‘’ it may be that university of Rwanda are really connected to GOD, they identified my problems and save my family unconditionally, Almighty God bless them”
KALISA clement district advisor as District delegate, he appreciated the humatarian action of students nurses and the initiative of youth in building of Rwanda we need, saying to the attendees of umuganda he asked the Tumba population to persevere until the action of building these indigent houses end, then after, they will meet In ceremony of joy.
The Express News