Nyarugenge High Court in Kigali has, on Wednesday, upheld the decision of the Primary Court of Nyarugunga to send Gacinya Denys for 30 days detention.
Gacinya Denys was appealing to Nyarugenge High Court for release on bail, against a decision made earlier last week ,by Nyarugunga Primary Court to be held on remand for 30 days that can be extended according to criminal procedure in Rwanda.
Gacinya Denys, a managing director of a business company MICON and a Rayon Sports Vice- President was appealing on grounds that he is a renowned businessperson that could not escape the court procedure and that representative of his side promised to pay for his bail. Gacinya also advanced among other reasons, to have chronic stomach illness that requires him to take special diet and that he is in charge of the needs of the his family.
Gacinya, is accused by the Prosecution of deceiving in a contract, a crime allegedly committed to his contractors, Rusizi District in which two parties ( Rusizi District and MICON) have entered for installation and lighting of 830 roads electric poles in the district, a contract that would totally be worth Rwf 636 million.
However, the prosecution says a total amount of Rwf 495 was paid to MICON whilst a valuation report made by REG shows the already completed work to be worth Rwf 242 million. Gacinya has also pleaded to the court to be acquitted of the crimes of awarding unjustified advantages during the performance of the contract and using counterfeited documents.
Gacinya has also told the court to have been underpaid by Rusizi district as he was paid Rwf 460 million while he would have been paid Rwf 554 million for all completed work.
Rusizi District, a contractor of MICON, was prompted to tender for unfinished with other entrepreneurs , in a contract that was totally paid Rwf 300 million.
The Express News