Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has recognised ten best services providers from different institutions across the country nominated by the public and awarded at of the International Customer Service Week at Kigali Serena Hotel
The awarded are individuals nominated from public and private institutions. They include Antoinette Kayitesi, a receptionist at Access Bank Rwanda; Dr. Mouhammed Okasha from Legacy Clinic; Jean Pierre Kizito, Notary in the Ministry of Justice; Sylivanus Kagiraneza, a Security Officer at I&M Bank; Eveline Gafirigi Mutesi from Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB); Morris Ndekwe from Vine Pharmacy; Etienne Uwiringiyimana from Nyaruguru District; Denis Ngoga from Galaxy Hotel and Senior Sergeant Alexis Murenzi a Traffic Police Officer.
Previously, Antoinette Kayitesi (among awarded) was a Security Officer at Access Bank but was later promoted to a receptionist after considering her dedication to the promotion of customer care values.
The Director of Service department in RDB, Emmanuel Nsabimana said that Rwandans have started to appreciate the importance of providing good services, though much still needs to be done.
“As you know we are yet to reach 100% in customer satisfaction. We still have some examples where there are bad services. We are still sensitizing. People should change their mindsets –employees and managers, I believe that if managers take this into account, good services will become a Rwandan culture,” he said.
The Express News