204 Brigade of Rwanda Defence Force has donated 10 cows and 450 health insurances known as “mutuel de santé” to vulnerable residents in Rutunga sector, Gasabo District. 14 goats were also distributed to families who recently lost their goats killed by wild animals in the area.
The function took place in Kibenga Cell in Rutunga on this Tuesday 26 September and was graced by State Minister in charge of social affairs, Dr Alivera Mukabaramba together with the Mayor of Gasabo District, Steven Rwamurangwa. RDF was represented by 204 Ag Brigade Commander Lt Col Frank Mutembe.
Addressing locals, State Minister Mukabaramba commended RDF Army Week contribution to the socio-economic development of the country. She further urged the local population to take advantage from different Government programs and work hard to achieve development.
Lt Col Frank Mutembe emphasized on human security saying that RDF is fully concerned to contribute to the welfare of citizens. “Our people deserves a decent life including having good shelters, enough food in their homes, good infrastructures, education facilities and medication. This is the human security that RDF wants to contribute, when supporting Government programs to help our people achieve progress”said Lt Col Mutembe.
Mukahirwa Marie said” I am very grateful to our leadership and especially our Defence Force for this kindness. I a m responsible for a family of 8 people and we have all benefited from the health insurance donation. I am personally suffering from stomach and will be able to attend the Doctor very soon. I’m very happy”
Habimana Gregoire said” I live with a family of 7 people. I am disabled and was very desperate due to my condition, but I realize people are taking care of my family. It is so kind”
Rwanda Defence Force has so far donated health insurances to more than 5000 people during the 2017 Army Week Activities. RDF also provided 32,000 Solar Energy to the health workers across the country. During Army Week medical outreach conducted from May to July this year RDF provided medical treatment to 120,093 people across the country in addition to other activities conducted such as building infrastructures and agriculture.